Trolling Gear


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30 products

4 Arm Umbrella Rigs4 Arm Umbrella Rigs
4 Arm Umbrella Rigs
Sale priceFrom $6.19
Green machine fishing lure unriggedGreen machine fishing lure unrigged rigged
Trolling PlanersTrolling Planers
Trolling Planers
Sale priceFrom $15.99
Tuna Tail SkirtsTuna Tail Skirts
Tuna Tail Skirts
Sale priceFrom $2.99
Outrigger StopsOutrigger Stops
Outrigger Stops
Sale price$3.49
Rubber Bands - 1/4 lb. Bulk Bags
Sea Striker Cedar Plug Daisy Chain natural color
Sea Striker cedar plug daisy chain dorado
Sea Striker bulb head squid parrotSea Striker bulb head squid dolphin
Bulbhead Squid
Sale priceFrom $9.29
Ballyhoo DustersBallyhoo Dusters
Sold out
Leader Keepers
Leader Keepers
Sale price$6.99
Blue Mackerel rigged cedar plugDorado rigged cedar plug
Rigged Cedar Plug
Sale priceFrom $13.49
Ballyhoo Lures -RiggedBallyhoo Lures -Rigged
Ballyhoo RigsBallyhoo Rigs
Ballyhoo Rigs
Sale price$11.49
Got-cha TrollGot-cha Troll
Got-cha Troll
Sale priceFrom $6.69
Trolling Planers - Black Powder Coated
Sold out
Livebait Balloons
Ballyhoo Lures - UnriggedBallyhoo Lures - Unrigged
Billfisher corkscrew swivel
36" Spreader Bar36" Spreader Bar
36" Braced Spreader Bar36" Braced Spreader Bar
Heavy Duty Umbrella Rig
Dredge Bars
Dredge Bars
Sale priceFrom $24.99
Sea Striker hi-speed planer kit
Sea Striker Titanium Spreader BarSea Striker Titanium Spreader Bar with swivels
Titanium Spreader Bar
Sale price$28.99
Kite Line MarkerKite Line Marker
Kite Line Marker
Sale priceFrom $5.19
Sea Bird TeasersSea Bird Teasers
Helium Balloons With Clips
19" Spreader Bar
Kite Rings
Kite Rings
Sale price$6.99
Wahoo Trolling Kit